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Mercedes-Benz V-Класс III (W447) Рестайлинг 2 300 экстра длинный 2.0 сатуу, 2023

Кошулганы: 9 күн мурун
$ 92 900
8 135 253 сом
8 217 427 ₽
54 235 020 ₸
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Айына 142 571 сомдон сатып алуу
Международная автомобильная торговая компания Элефант
авто бизнестин 16 жарыясы

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Изображение содержит подробные характеристики автомобиля. Опубликованная цена — CIP Можно заказать : Место производства автомобиля — Чунцин, Китай. При необходимости обращайтесь за консультацией: WhatsApp:+996 707 657 498 Cyber Metaverse § Pioneering the Future Cyberpunk is a fusion of "cybernetics" and "punk". Literally, it is a reflection on the "highly mechanical civilization". This background is mostly depicted in the future, based on the combination of "low-end life and high-end technology", contrasting advanced scientific technology with a society structure that has deteriorated to a certain extent. Subsequently, it has extended from literature to media such as movies, games, etc., giving rise to cyberpunk culture. At the same time, it has evolved into a visual aesthetic style, which is applied to many areas of daily life. The term "Mecha" itself is a loanword, meaning a fanciful mechanical device. Due to unclear translations in early Chinese works, the term was directly adopted during the translation of numerous science fiction works and became known to audiences, eventually being accepted. Frequently seen in anime and games, "Mecha" refers to the well-known manned combat mechs, which are often controlled by direct human operation or remote information connection, with the machine's combat being controlled by a highly intelligent computer system. 1. Dolphin-inspired seamless high roof, molded pure metal, high strength, low wind resistance 2. Jinguan exclusive mold, front and rear bumper design by Tsinghua design master. 3. Full surround split-type aerospace aluminum four-door welcome pedals, middle door step with high gloss and mecha dragon element pattern. 4. Vehicle height 2050mm, offering greater space and off-road capability 5. Original factory four-wheel air suspension. Exterior Highlights Summary: High roof seven-seater Custom surround Dolphin-inspired design Air suspension Welcome pedals 1. Imported dark gray suede paired with negative ion leather, heritage embroidery with mecha elements, Jinguan hand-wrapped craftsmanship. 2. Two-tone steering wheel, central console with curved carbon fiber texture wrap. 3. Integrated center armrest with 11-liter onboard compressor fridge, rear of armrest with 220V power outlet and USB ports. 4. 10-way power adjustable front seats: headrest height, backrest tilt, fore-aft position, lumbar support (4-way). Front Row Highlights Summary: Intangible cultural heritage embroidery craftsmanship Electric adjustment Jinguan hand-wrapped craftsmanship 11-liter onboard compressor fridge Interior Ceiling Lighting: (1)The entire vehicle interior ceiling features: ambient flowing lights, dynamic starry sky ceiling lights, side starry sky lights, and spaceship-style lighting. (2)It is complemented with carbon fiber texture and high-gloss chrome metal decorations. (3)Mecha Dragon laser-engraved wall lights, Maybach-style rectangular air vents, showcasing luxury. (4)Jinguan self-designed multifunctional rear wall box with 220V power outlet and USB ports. (5)Small table tray with cup holder, USB charging port, wireless charging, and a groove for tablet placement (6)Mirror-finished starry sky pattern floor that echoes the dynamic starry sky ceiling lights above. Second-row Airline Seats: (1)One-button switch between three modes (Comfort, Conference, Sleep), withinflatable/deflatable lumbar support to relieve fatigue during your journey (2)Second-row seat armrest with touchscreen control + physical switch + back panel control, 10-way electric adjustment, integrated control for seats, lighting, and electronics via touchscreen (3)Black and red color scheme, sci-fi texture, and extraordinary atmosphere. The mecha pattern design echoes the pattern on the C-pillar. (4)Equipped with USB ports, wireless charging function, and cup holder on the side of the seat. Luxury Third-row Seats: (1)Hidden center armrest, integrated control for seats, lighting, and electronics, USB ports, and storage box. (2)Equipped with an electric lift-up table, small round table for convenience, instantly enabling business mode. (3)One-button bed function, reclining to 180 degrees, enjoy VIPlevel comfort. (4)Jinguan custom-designed wall box, with 220V power outlet and USB ports. Rear Row Highlights Summary: Dynamic starry sky ceiling light Mecha laser-engraved C-pillar light Electric lift-up tabletop Maybach air vent Jinguan custom-designed wall box Sci-fi inspired black and red color scheme Custom airline seats


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